Aventura Arts & Cultural Center
9th Nov - 9th Nov, 2024
Rinker Playhouse at the Kravis Center
10th Nov - 10th Nov, 2024
Miniaci Performing Arts Center at Nova Southeastern University
12th Nov - 12th Nov, 2024
Anne Being Frank
Written by Ron Elisha
Directed by Amanda Brooke Lerner
Designed by Jacob Battista
Music by Simon Mason
Lighting by Finnegan Comte-Harvey
'Anne Being Frank', a new play by Ron Elisha, is a total reimagining of the story of Anne Frank. This one-woman show starring Alexis Fishman was performed Off-Broadway to rave reviews. It is a reimagining designed to force us to view an iconic story that we thought we knew through entirely fresh eyes, leading us to question certain dear-held assumptions.
It poses the basic question: Had Anne known precisely what was in store for her and her family at the hands of the Nazis, would she still have written the famous line: 'In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart'?
The play takes place within three 'worlds': The world of the secret annex, where Anne and her family are hiding from their German occupiers – this is the story we all know, though it is now retold in hindsight. The world of the concentration camp – Bergen-Belsen – where Anne and her sister, Margot, ended their days. And an imagined world where Anne goes over the manuscript of her diary with her editor at a publishing house in Manhattan after the war.